"Inception" style nesting of Next.js Client and Server Components

22 April 2024


I was speaking to a friend the other day about Next.js components and how Server and Client Component types interact and nest when it occurred to me — this can get really confusing!

What is each type of component good for?

👍 This is the basic rule of thumb 👍
✔️If your content is IMMUTABLE, use SERVER COMPONENTS
✔️If your content is MUTABLE (i.e it will change and update) use CLIENT COMPONENTS

⚡ Also keep in mind, anytime you want to use a hook, however, that is React and thus must be used inside a Client Component.

💡 A very common pattern:
Fetch data in a SERVER COMPONENT and pass this down as props to a CLIENT COMPONENT that uses that data in rendering the UI.
(Server Components can use Async / Await)

What of Server Actions? Do they have to be in a Server Component?
Server Actions can be referenced in both Server and Client Components. This is great because it allows you to use two really handy form hooks: useFormState and useFormStatus.

Implementing search via the useSearchParams hook is another common Client Component pattern.

❗ GOTCHA TO WATCH FOR: Server Components become Client Components when imported into Client Components. You can, however, nest a Server Component inside a Client Component as children.

A common use case for this would be in using React Context, where you wrap your app in a Provider that features useState or useReducer to handle state.

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